Thank you
Our little preview has just hit ten thousand downloads on the Windows Store and more importantly many of you have decided to give us a positive rating. We could not have wished for a better welcome!
We are busy working on the final game as we are on track for a release later this year. Hopefully you won’t have to wait for too long once Windows 8 has hit shelves around the world. We will announce when the game will be available through the usual channels (newsletter, website, twitter, facebook).
While we don’t want to spoil the full game by listing in-depth features and answering every question we wanted to give you a few answers:
Will the final game be free?
No, usually free games make their money by selling you virtual coins or items and often those things are required to really enjoy a game. We don’t like this approach for this type of game. Game Dev Tycoon will have a free trial similar to what the preview delivers now and the full game will have a small up-front cost. This will make sure that you can enjoy the full game without being bothered by in-app purchases or ads.
By purchasing the game you will also support us and ensure that we can bring you more games in the future.
Will I be able to move out of the garage?
Yes, the final game will allow you to move out of the garage and into offices.
Will I be able to hire employees?
Yes, you will be able to hire and train employees once you own an office.
Will I be able to make sequels to a game?
Yes, you will be able to do that during the course of the game.
Will there be more options when defining and publishing a game?
Yes 🙂
Will there be random events in the game?
Yes, we have added a number of events which will test your decision-making skills. There will definitely be some surprises.
Will you translate the game into my language?
Maybe. We do have plans to translate the game into different languages but we don’t know yet when those translations will be made available. There is a suprisingly large amount of text in the full game so a proper translation will take some time. We might release translations after the initial release.
Are there any easter eggs in the game?
Yes, one is even already in the preview but to our knowledge no one has found it yet 😉
If you want to provide us with feedback or suggestions you can simply send an email to support@greenheartgames.com – while we might not reply to every email we promise that we read every bit of feedback we receive. We are also happy to see your end-of-preview screen shots if you want to share 🙂
Patrick Klug